Where's this plane taking me to?

Finally! I see land....
hmmmm xD *Eggcited*

Where are they takin us to again? hmm
Seasick *pukes*

And i only thought such a view exist only in Photoshoped post cards!

Too many Fishies!! Adorable :)
What's the sea, without the Beach?

Sepet Boyfriend hehehehe :p
No lar! The sun was shining really brightly that day!

Hehe lucky i have my trusty Shades if not Sepet oso! :p

Stare at the water and Emo away~~ LOL

O HAI fellow Monkeys!!!
SO HOT LA! Where's the waterrr!!!!

O Hai Fishies!
I want to catch youuuuuu!

Seriously, my only regret is that i forgot to buy the Cover that
enables me to take pictures underwater.

Know where this place is already ? :p
P/s : Next postttt..............

Btw. I'm so sorry i haven't been updating, busy with school and work and been feeling really lethargic recently. :( , Oh and also cause my life's been pretty boring recently LOL Cannot go
out cause i'm saving for something ! HAHA FML. Okaaaay~ Love you all !
So, actually, where is it?
yea, i am still kinda lost on where the place is :) do post about it ven~ *hugs*
btw, i love ur over-sized sunnies :) i had one but i spoiled it :(
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