Anyways, Today's post is specially dedicated to all my ladies out there! Sorry guys, but i guess your turn will come soon :p You know how men loves a confident women? Confidence starts from yourself ladies, and here's definitely something that will bring out that confidence in you, especially when that time of the month come!!
Got invited to the product launch of the Kotex Luxe party, courtesy of Nuffnang of course! It was held at the one of the really top floors of Orchard Central, and Heaven's Loft ! Really pretty place, when i walked in, i felt as though i was in Girl haven . Hehehe Don't know what i mean?

My own designed cup cake! hehe

Look at all the foooood!
We're even able to get free Ben & Jerry's :p

There was a photo booth station for us to take pictures!
And even accessories were provided!
See what i mean when i said, girl heaven? :p Anyways, let me introduce to you ladies, the new
Kotex Luxe! Where white is plain borring, and new designed pads bring out the confident in us girls!!

Pretty right!!!!!
Kotex Luxe! Where white is plain borring, and new designed pads bring out the confident in us girls!!
Ta Dah!
Ta Dah!

Pretty right!!!!!
There are actually up to Four different types of Pads for you ladies out there to choose from!
We were then all split up into groups and brought out to design a whole new Kotex WOW board!
Take a look at the process of our creation ;p

Each table/ group had different materials to work with!
And our end result??

Cute right! ;)
Anyways, after the party ended dear Yingzi & I stayed back to wait for our photos to develop, Talked with a few friends and took more pictures !!!!!

What's a party without Goodie Bags??? xD

Do grab your Kotex Luxe and bring out that confidence in you , when it's out in stores!
You go girl!
With lots of love,
We were then all split up into groups and brought out to design a whole new Kotex WOW board!
Take a look at the process of our creation ;p

Each table/ group had different materials to work with!
And our end result??

Cute right! ;)
Anyways, after the party ended dear Yingzi & I stayed back to wait for our photos to develop, Talked with a few friends and took more pictures !!!!!

What's a party without Goodie Bags??? xD

Do grab your Kotex Luxe and bring out that confidence in you , when it's out in stores!
You go girl!
With lots of love,
My my! Look at that awesome design!!! *awed by the 'wow' card* Is it launched already?
I can't imagine Kotex with cupcakes.
I mean.. Kotex asked you to design your own cupcakes?
Is it related to the pads?
u had so much fun yeaaaa!!!
owhhh!!! heheehee!!!
haha the kotex luxe is not launched yet! It'll be launched soon! really pretty right ? ;)
cup cakes with kotex. swt
I wan ur cup cake !!! =D
Yes yes... really prettey!! Omg they have such creaaative peeps workin' for them! Am totally in love with the colors!! :D
Good for you lah.. for getting it first!
John: Hahaha why swt wor, its a marketing strategy ba :p
Everlyn : okeh come get it babe! i'll save one for u :p
Mabel : haha i know right, creative! i'm so not gifted in dat area :p's all so pretty and colourful!!! and i love ur cute drawing :) florals are the best! hehe~
looks like a lot of fun! too bad I didn't get a chance to go~
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