I was on the phone with baby a few days back, when my 13 year old sister suddenly exclaimed that she has chosen 'Canon' as her wedding song. Which made baby ask , ''why do all girls think about their wedding day?'' To which i replied, ''dont guys think of their wedding day too?'' I was quite shocked when he said ''no, guys don't think of their wedding day'', he never thought of his wedding day. He then asked his friend beside him if he has ever thought of his wedding day and he replied no too.
Well, basically for girls , our heads are filled with images of our wedding day. Parents dream of seeing their little girl walking down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown.While I'm sure parents equally dream of their sons eventually getting married, it is a bit less exciting to plan for the day they will finally get to wear that suit and leather shoes. =x
Another thing to keep in mind is the constant barrage of images we see our lives which place us all on the inevitable path towards marriage. Barbie, the symbol of unattainable wealth, beauty, success, and happiness always looked her most beautiful in her long white wedding gown as she walked down the self made constructed aisle in our ''ceremonies'' to Ken, her handsome groom.
Most books, television shows, movie, or song that is marketed towards girls always focuses on falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after. True??From Cinderella and Prince Charming, to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, we are so called 'brain washed' with the idea that we will never be truly happy until we find that perfect man and walk down the aisle.
So remember, girls are not obsessed with getting married because we want to be. We think of our wedding day because since we were born, fairytales and love stories has already painted a beautiful image of how a girl would be on her wedding day. It is also said that on a girl's wedding day. A girl would feel as though she is the most beautiful person on earth. And also because girls are more emotional. Every girl wants to be love and wants to marry their ''prince'' which in other terms is their future husband. The one they love. So they look forward to the day that they will marry ''The One'' and ''live happily after''. But that's another topic. So now that i've explained why girls think of their wedding day. Any of you guys out there care to explain why boy's do not think of their wedding day? xD
haha. i want my ideal wedding too :D lalalaes. *chants wedding* XD LOL.
waiting for ur wedding dinner..haha
haha... i wonder if doctor thinks bout his wedding day~ ooops, i already know the answer to that. =p
anyways dear, focus on the near future!!!! remember what we discuss!!! it's soon season for something.. =)
Hmm.. I find it rather strange.. I'm a guy, but I did had a vision of how MY wedding day (VERY LONG away from now) would look like.. I must say, I'd definitely look great! *winks* LOL!
Perhaps guys are more realistic or they want to have a stable life before getting married.
tats definitely worth pondering about...
I'm gonna ask my bf if he ever thought abt how his wedding day will be like!
Cos recently, he kept telling me he wants to get married. lols ^^;
I think of how to have a special wedding party... =)
wait a sec!
we guys want everlasting love too you know.
Girls think of their wedding day because it's like their 18th birthday.
Girls like to wear dresses, yup THEY DO do like to wear those long elegant white dresses...
Girls wants to be in a fantasy of guy next to her.
guys just wants to be sure if she is right for him.
now you know why we don't think about wedding days...
but don't fret... because it also depends on age too, so don't try to ask any teenage guys about weddings :)
Kinda hard for me to explain why guys never think of wedding day.
But I only think of how to propose first, not about the wedding day =.=||
I tell you for once and for all Abby.
We guys don't think of our wedding day.
Infact. Maybe we quite dread it too. Omg. The day when we take full responsibility of more than ourselves.
The day we are no longer just ourselves, but multiple-self already. Omg.
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